Daily Core Curriculum
4 years ago
In the primary grades, we supplement the Reading Street program with Fundations, a multi-sensory systematic program in foundational reading and writing skills.
- Phonemic awareness and phonics
- High frequency word study
- Reading fluency
- Vocabulary
- Comprehension strategies
- Handwriting
- Spelling

Everyday Math
Everyday Mathematics is a comprehensive elemenatary mathematics program designed to meet Common Core State Standards. Developed by The University of Chicago, School Mathematics Project, the Everyday Mathematics spiral curriculum continually reinforces abstract math concepts through concrete real-world applications.

Our science instruction combines hands-on, minds-on science with learning through reading, writing, and the use of math skills. This year we are augmenting our teaching with Mystery Science lessons that are designed to hook student interest with a combination of story, video, images, discussion, and hands-on labs.
At every opportunity, we take advantage of Nahant's position by the sea to teach about living things, the earth, water and weather, as well as old and new technologies. Each grade enjoys special lessons led by staff at Northeaster University's Marine Science Center.

Social Studies
Nahant history and maritime history help to ground our learning about peoples, economics, US and world history, geography, government, and leadership in many fields of endeavor. The Nahant Historical Society is a frequent partner in our explorations of the past.